Mastering Thesis Writing with Todoist: A Comprehensive Guide

Writing a thesis is often described as one of the most challenging academic tasks. It requires meticulous organization, time management, and the ability to handle numerous components simultaneously. To navigate this intricate process effectively, using a robust task management tool like Todoist can be incredibly beneficial. Todoist offers a range of features that can help you streamline your thesis-writing process, ensuring that you stay on track and manage your time efficiently. This comprehensive guide will walk you through how to utilize Todoist to manage and optimize your thesis writing.

Mastering Thesis Writing with Todoist: A Comprehensive Guide

1. Introduction to Todoist

1.1 What is Todoist?

Todoist is a versatile task management app designed to help users organize, prioritize, and track their tasks. It is widely used for personal productivity as well as professional project management. The app’s clean interface and powerful features make it ideal for managing complex projects like thesis writing.

1.2 Setting Up Todoist

Before diving into thesis-specific strategies, ensure you have Todoist set up correctly. Sign up for a free account on the Todoist website or download the app on your device. For enhanced features, consider upgrading to the Premium or Business plan.

1.3 Navigating the Interface

Take some time to familiarize yourself with Todoist’s interface. Key components include:

  • Projects: Categories that help organize tasks.
  • Tasks: Individual items that need completion.
  • Subtasks: Tasks that fall under larger tasks.
  • Due Dates: Deadlines for tasks and subtasks.
  • Labels: Tags that help categorize tasks.
  • Filters: Custom views based on task criteria.
  • Priority Levels: Indicate the urgency of tasks.

2. Setting Up Your Thesis Project

2.1 Creating a Thesis Project

Start by creating a project for your entire thesis. This project will serve as the central hub for all your tasks related to your thesis work. You might name it “Thesis Project” or use a more descriptive title that reflects your thesis topic.

2.2 Creating Sub-Projects

Within the main thesis project, create sub-projects for each major chapter or section. This helps in breaking down the thesis into manageable parts. For instance:

  • Chapter 1: Introduction
  • Chapter 2: Literature Review
  • Chapter 3: Methodology
  • Chapter 4: Results
  • Chapter 5: Discussion
  • Chapter 6: Conclusion

Each chapter or section becomes a distinct project, allowing you to focus on specific areas without feeling overwhelmed by the entire thesis.

3. Breaking Down Chapters into Tasks

3.1 Identifying Major Tasks

Within each chapter project, list the key tasks required to complete that chapter. These tasks will vary based on the content and requirements of each chapter but generally include writing, researching, and editing.

Example for “Chapter 1: Introduction”:

  • Draft Introduction
  • Add Background Information
  • Write Research Objectives
  • Review and Revise Introduction

3.2 Creating Subtasks

For tasks that involve multiple steps, break them down into subtasks. This helps in managing complex tasks and ensures that you complete each step thoroughly.

Example for “Draft Introduction”:

  • Subtask 1: Outline Introduction
  • Subtask 2: Write First Draft
  • Subtask 3: Revise Introduction
  • Subtask 4: Proofread Introduction

Subtasks provide a clear path from start to finish, helping you tackle each component of the task systematically.

4. Organizing Your Workflow

4.1 Setting Due Dates

Assign due dates to each task and subtask to manage your deadlines effectively. Setting due dates helps you track your progress and ensures that you complete tasks on time.


  • Draft Introduction: Due in 2 weeks
  • Add Background Information: Due in 3 weeks
  • Write Research Objectives: Due in 1 month

4.2 Prioritizing Tasks

Todoist allows you to set priority levels for tasks, helping you focus on what’s most important. Assign high priority to tasks with imminent deadlines or those crucial for completing a chapter.


  • Draft Introduction: High Priority
  • Add Background Information: Medium Priority
  • Write Research Objectives: Medium Priority

4.3 Using Labels for Categorization

Labels help in categorizing tasks by type or status. Create labels such as “Research,” “Writing,” “Editing,” and “Final Review” to easily sort and view tasks based on their nature.


  • Research: For tasks involving gathering information.
  • Writing: For drafting and composing text.
  • Editing: For revising and proofreading.
  • Final Review: For final checks and refinements.

4.4 Setting Up Filters

Filters in Todoist allow you to view tasks based on specific criteria. Create filters to see tasks due this week, tasks with a particular label, or tasks related to a specific chapter.

Example Filters:

  • Due This Week: View tasks that need immediate attention.
  • High Priority Tasks: Focus on tasks marked as high priority.
  • Chapter 2 Tasks: View tasks related to “Chapter 2: Literature Review.”

5. Tracking and Managing Progress

5.1 Marking Tasks as Complete

As you finish tasks, mark them as complete. This not only helps in tracking your progress but also provides a sense of accomplishment. Todoist’s visual indicators, such as completed task counts and progress bars, can be motivating.

5.2 Regular Reviews and Adjustments

Regularly review your Todoist setup to ensure that it reflects your current status and priorities. Adjust tasks, deadlines, and priorities as needed to accommodate changes in your schedule or project requirements.

5.3 Utilizing Todoist’s Productivity Features

Todoist offers features designed to enhance productivity:

  • Karma: Tracks your productivity trends and provides insights into your performance.
  • Daily and Weekly Reviews: Reflect on completed tasks and plan for upcoming work.
  • Project Templates: Save and reuse templates for similar projects, streamlining the setup process.

6. Example Workflow for Writing a Thesis Chapter

To illustrate how to structure a chapter project, let’s look at an example workflow for “Chapter 1: Introduction.”

Project: Chapter 1: Introduction

  • Task: Draft Introduction
    • Subtask 1: Outline Introduction
    • Subtask 2: Write First Draft
    • Subtask 3: Revise Introduction
    • Subtask 4: Proofread Introduction
  • Task: Add Background Information
    • Subtask 1: Research Background Literature
    • Subtask 2: Summarize Key Points
    • Subtask 3: Integrate Information into Draft
  • Task: Write Research Objectives
    • Subtask 1: Define Research Questions
    • Subtask 2: Draft Objectives
    • Subtask 3: Review and Refine

Due Dates and Priorities:

  • Draft Introduction: Due in 2 weeks, High Priority
  • Add Background Information: Due in 3 weeks, Medium Priority
  • Write Research Objectives: Due in 1 month, Medium Priority


  • Research
  • Writing
  • Editing


  • Due This Week
  • High Priority Tasks

7. Additional Tips for Maximizing Todoist’s Effectiveness

7.1 Breaking Down Large Tasks

If you find a task too complex or overwhelming, break it down into smaller, more manageable subtasks. This approach helps in handling each component of the task efficiently and reduces the risk of overlooking important details.

7.2 Setting Realistic Deadlines

Recognize how much time each task will really take. Setting achievable deadlines helps in preventing frustration and ensures that you stay on track without feeling overburdened.

7.3 Regularly Updating Your Task List

Keep your task list updated with new tasks, adjustments, and deadlines. Regular updates ensure that Todoist accurately reflects your current progress and priorities, making it easier to manage your workload.

7.4 Using Reminders

Set reminders for crucial tasks or deadlines. Reminders help you stay on top of important elements and ensure that you don’t forget key steps in your thesis-writing process.

8. Managing Common Challenges

8.1 Dealing with Procrastination

One of the biggest obstacles to finishing your thesis can be postponement. Use Todoist to break down tasks into smaller steps and set short-term goals. Regularly review your progress and adjust deadlines to stay motivated and on track.

8.2 Handling Unforeseen Changes

Unexpected changes or challenges can disrupt your thesis-writing process. Be flexible with your task list and adjust deadlines and priorities as needed. Use Todoist’s features to adapt your plan and manage changes effectively.

8.3 Balancing Multiple Responsibilities

If you have other responsibilities alongside your thesis, use Todoist to balance your workload. Create separate projects for different responsibilities and allocate time for each. This approach helps in managing multiple tasks without becoming overwhelmed.

9. Conclusion

Using Todoist to manage your thesis writing can significantly enhance your organization, productivity, and overall success. By setting up detailed projects, breaking tasks into manageable subtasks, assigning deadlines, and utilizing Todoist’s features, you can effectively navigate the complexities of thesis writing. Regular reviews and adjustments ensure that your plan remains current and aligned with your progress. Embrace Todoist as a tool to streamline your thesis-writing process and achieve your academic goals with greater ease and confidence.


