Tracking Time Spent on Coding vs. Bug Fixing and Other Tasks

In software development, managing your time effectively is crucial for productivity and project success. Whether you’re writing code, debugging, or handling various other tasks, it’s important to understand how you allocate your time. Tracking these activities can help you optimize your workflow and improve your efficiency. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to track time spent on different tasks effectively.

Tracking Time Spent on Coding vs. Bug Fixing and Other Tasks

1. Utilize Time Tracking Tools

Time tracking tools are designed to capture and analyze how you spend your time across various activities. They offer insights into your workflow and can help you identify patterns and areas for improvement. Here’s how to use Timely by Memory to track coding, bug fixing, and other tasks:

  1. Sign Up and Set Up:
    • Create an account on Timely’s website and follow the setup instructions to configure your workspace.
    • Integrate Timely with your development tools and platforms if they support integration. This helps in accurate tracking by capturing the time spent on various tools and applications.
  2. Create Projects and Tags:
    • Set up distinct projects in Timely for coding, bug fixing, and other tasks.
    • Within each project, use tags to categorize tasks further. For example, you might have tags for different types of bugs (e.g., “UI Bug,” “Performance Issue”) or stages of coding (e.g., “Feature Development,” “Code Review”).
  3. Automatic Time Tracking:
    • Timely uses AI to automatically track the time you spend on different applications and websites. It identifies activities based on your usage patterns and assigns them to the relevant projects or tags.
    • Ensure that Timely is running in the background while you work to capture all relevant data.
  4. Review and Categorize:
    • Regularly check your Timely dashboard to review your tracked data. The tool provides a detailed view of how your time is distributed among various activities.
    • Categorize your time entries according to the projects and tags you’ve set up. This helps in understanding how much time is allocated to coding, bug fixing, and other tasks.
  5. Generate Reports:
    • Use Timely’s reporting features to generate comprehensive reports on your time distribution. These reports can show you how much time is spent on each project or tag.
    • Analyze these reports to identify trends and areas where you might need to adjust your focus or improve efficiency.

2. Leverage Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) are central to a developer’s workflow, and some offer built-in time tracking features or integrations with time tracking tools. Using these functionalities to their fullest potential is as follows:

Built-in Time Tracking:

    • Some IDEs, like JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA, offer plugins that allow you to track time spent on different tasks directly within the environment. Explore the available plugins and enable the time tracking features to monitor your coding activities.
  1. Integration with Time Tracking Tools:
    • Many IDEs support integration with external time tracking tools. Check if your IDE can connect with tools like Timely or Toggl to streamline your time tracking process.
  2. Task Management:
    • Use the IDE’s task management features to log and categorize different tasks, such as coding and bug fixing. This can help in associating time entries with specific tasks or issues.

3. Explore Project Management Software

Project management tools often include time tracking features or can integrate with time tracking apps. These tools are useful for managing tasks and tracking time in a structured way:

  1. Time Tracking Features:
    • Tools like Jira, Trello, and Asana offer built-in time tracking features. Create tasks for coding, bug fixing, and other activities, and log your time directly within the project management tool.
  2. Integration with Time Tracking Apps:
    • If your preferred project management tool doesn’t have robust time tracking features, you can often integrate it with time tracking apps like Clockify or Toggl. This integration allows you to track time within the context of your project management workflow.
  3. Task and Project Organization:
    • Organize tasks and projects in the project management tool to align with your coding and bug fixing efforts. This helps in accurately tracking time spent on different activities and understanding project progress.

4. Consider Manual Logs

Manual logging involves recording your time spent on various tasks manually. While this method requires more effort, it offers flexibility and control:

  1. Creating a Log System:
    • Set up a system for logging your time, such as a spreadsheet or a note-taking app. Create categories for different tasks like coding, bug fixing, and other activities.
  2. Consistent Recording:
    • Record the time spent on each task as you complete them. Consistency is key to ensuring accurate data.
  3. Review and Analyze:
    • Regularly review your manual logs to analyze how your time is distributed. This helps in identifying patterns and making adjustments to improve efficiency.

5. Custom Scripts and Automation

For those with technical expertise, creating custom scripts can provide a tailored solution for time tracking:

  1. Script Development:
    • Develop scripts that track specific actions or events within your development environment. For example, you could create a script to log time when you switch between coding and debugging tasks.
  2. Automation:
    • Automate the logging process by integrating the scripts with your development tools. This ensures accurate and consistent tracking of time spent on various activities.
  3. Data Analysis:
    • Analyze the data collected by your scripts to understand how much time is spent on different tasks. Customize the analysis to focus on specific aspects of your workflow.


Tracking the time spent on coding versus bug fixing and other tasks is essential for optimizing your workflow and productivity. Whether you use tools like Timely by Memory, project management software, manual logs, or custom scripts, having a clear understanding of how your time is allocated can help you make informed decisions and improve your efficiency. By implementing these tracking strategies, you can gain valuable insights into your work habits and enhance your overall productivity.


